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Awareness and Beliefs About Cancer (ABC) Survey

What is the Awarenss and Beliefs About Cancer (ABC) Survey?

The ABC (Awareness and beliefs about cancer) survey is a study based on the “Measuring Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer in Malaysia” project, a research collaboration between University of Malaya and Queen’s University Belfast. The study aim was to determine the level of awareness of cancer warning signs and risk factors, and anticipated delays to seeking medical advice in Malaysia using the ABC-M (awareness and beliefs about cancer, Malaysia) questionnaire.

This study was funded by the University of Malaya: Vice Chancellor’s special funding (UMQUB3A-2011) between 2011-2015

ABC Core Team Members

ABC Former Members

Associate Professor Nabilla Al Sadat</br>(University Of Malaya)
Associate Professor Nabilla Al Sadat
(University of Malaya)
Professor Liam Murray (RIP)</br>(Queen's University Belfast, UK)
Professor Liam Murray (RIP)
(Queen's University Belfast, UK)

ABC Publications

Schliemann, D., Ismail, R., Donnelly, M., Su, T.T. Anticipated delay in help-seeking for cancer symptoms: findings from a nationwide study of Malaysian adults. Cancer Epidemiology. 2021. Online:

Schliemann, D., Ismail, R., Donnelly, M., Cardwell, C., Su, T.T., Cancer symptom and risk factor awareness in Malaysia: findings from a nationwide cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2020. Online:

Su TT, Azzani M, Donnelly M, Majid HA. Seeking medical help for cancer among urban dwellers in Malaysia-Emotional barriers and awareness of cancer symptoms. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2020. Online:

Tan, M.M., Jamil, A.S.A., Ismail, R. Donnelly, M. and Su, T.T., 2023. Breast cancer and breast cancer screening use—beliefs and behaviours in a nationwide study in Malaysia. BMC Public Health, 23, 1319. doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16227-0

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